Later Years
& Transition

Coburg Special Developmental School Transition Unit Program aims to support students in extending their competencies and equipping them with the skills required to manage successfully in their post-school environments. Students will be in their last years of schooling, groups are carefully chosen to enhance all students’ learning, taking into account their age, skills, interests and special needs.
Our program is not associated with any set age or year level, but supports students as they proceed towards becoming independent learners. Our program provides appropriate learning experiences rather than a defined syllabus. Students will demonstrate their achievements by using a wide variety of learning activities and tasks.

Students will be encouraged to develop their independence as they explore, participate and engage in the world around them. Learning will be facilitated through the Transition Unit Program, with an integrated approach in:

  • Work education
  • Home and Community Living
  • Communication
  • Personal Leisure and Recreation
  • Social and inter personal development

The Transition Unit offers a wide variety of learning options including literacy, numeracy, art, music, physical education, work preparation, personal development, community education, excursions/incursions, swimming, cooking, camps, concerts and horticulture.
Students will have individualised priorities and support for transition into post school options such as Adult Day Programs, Supported Employment, Recreation based programs.
While the program will continue to develop Literacy and Numeracy skills, the emphasis will be on applied, functional skills in natural, domestic, vocational and community environments.